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XR Paint is a hardware AND software solution developed by our experts for training and recruiting new painters in virtual reality.

The application allows you to import your data and create your training scenarios adapted to your audience. Offering a new vision for the trainer and the learner, XR Paint also helps you to reduce training costs (time, material, human, etc.).  

In addition, to improve the realism during the manipulation, we coupled a paint gun with a VR controller and a haptic actuator. 


Training with XR Paint

Identify problematic areas in the paint range and modify the workstation, the operating range or the 3D data.


Training with XR Paint

Create scenarios representing different levels of difficulty to assess the skills of your future operators. 


Training with XR Paint


Train your staff in a realistic environment (3D parts, conveyors, turntable, gondola, etc.).  



Scenario creation 3D data import and configuration 

Scenario customisation (fixed or moving part, management of different states, etc.) 


Paint thicknesses

Visualization of paint layers and their thicknesses in order to better control the flow rate and the passage time.


Spray visualization

Two viewing modes, cone mode to better see the impact area of the paint and particle mode for a rendering closer to reality.


Visualization of trajectories

See and review the painter's trajectories and the reference trajectory (recorded by the trainer).


Natural interaction

A real paint gun with haptic feedback (sound and vibration).



Generation of exercise report or evaluation with the criteria of thickness, speed and distance.



6000€ / Year

Associated Hardware


15 400€ / Year



4000€ / Year


How does XR Paint optimize VR industrial painting training?

XR Paint uses a VR gun with haptic feedback and imported 3D data to create realistic scenarios. It simulates paint thickness, angle, distance, and time for immersive and accurate training. 

What are the key benefits of XR Paint for industrial painting?

XR Paint visualizes paint layers, painter trajectories, and impact areas. It identifies problems and optimizes painting processes, while assessing operator skills via realistic scenarios. 

Can I customize scenarios with my own 3D data in XR Paint?

Yes, XR Paint allows you to import 3D data to create custom scenarios, including stationary or moving parts and different states, for training tailored to your specific needs.


Anthony Delamare

With XR Paint, you get a really good feel for the paint, with the sound of the gun. You can configure the number of vehicles produced per hour.

 I think XR Paint is a very good tool. You find yourself immersed in the environment of a vehicle cab

Anthony Delamare |  Renault

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